Friday, June 17, 2011

Irresistably Sweet

I am trying to remember a time when I have been more surprised, but one's not coming to me. Old Altonian, whose writing I am quite fond of, gave me the Irresistably Sweet award. I am so complimented he enjoys my site and what I write down in it.  His poems are fantastic, but my favorites are the Tales from Nether Afton, The Joe Magpie Stories. I do not think he could write too many of them.

Now, as I understand it, for this award one is to list seven pieces of information not commonly known about themself, and fifteen recommendations.

1. I am a frustrated artist. I always wanted to be able to draw. When I was in college, I took an Art class. Not quite two weeks in, the professor strongly suggested to me that I drop the class.

2. Long before there were any casinos there, one night I accidentally sunk a pick-up into Black Lake, in Louisiana. So far as I know, it's still in there.

3. I almost had a degree in Law. But just after starting my last year, it dawned on me that it was not what I really wanted to do. So I left school and for the next two years banded and counted birds in various research projects.

4. I have an older brother that I have absolutely no idea where is or what has happened to him.

5. I love playing Angry Birds on my iPad.

6. I used to be a storm chaser. Years ago, before it was all the rage with TV shows and movies about it.

7. I have a scar on my leg I got when scrambling over a fence, to avoid being squashed between it and the hippo I was feeding.

My fifteen recommendations, (I suppose Altonian would might yell if I re-nominated him, even though he'd truly be my first choice):

1. Colleen even tries to find something nice to say about my awful poetry.

2. Ibeati always reminds me to count my blessings, and his beautiful pictures always make me smile.

3. The Gal Herself, underneath her tough exterior, she is sweet...because she cares, and she cares about the animals.

4. Nancy

5. Izzy

6. {th}ink

7. Simple Catholic Living

8. Daisy the Curly Cat

9. Marg's Pets

10. Zoolatry

11. Momo

12. Hannah and Lucy

13. Brian

14. Fuzzy Tails

15. Willow


  1. That is such a nice award. A big congratulations to you. We sure do appreciate you giving it to us. It was fun learning all those different facts about you and your family. Too bad you can't get together with your brother. Thanks again.
    Take care.

  2. Those are some interesting things about you! My Mommeh has always wished she could be an artist, but she is No Good at anything artistic.

    Congratulations on your award, and thank you for thinking of me, too!

  3. Congratulations on your award, that's awesome! And thanks for including us on your list (Fuzzy Tales...We're logged in under the mom's account right now).

    We're on holiday right now, but hope we can get the mom to post it when we're back!


    -Nicki and Derry

  4. Wow you went to some very exciting places.
    Kwee thanks for the award it is my first one. I will have the post for Monday.

  5. Thank you for this award - we are still a little tired from our party but will try to get our heads together over the weekend.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  6. I enjoy your posting these interesting things! I can identify with #1&3.
    An Award- how great for you!
    I appreciate the mention and will check out others! Thanks.

  7. You have some great not-yet told stories there. A sunken vehicle? A hippo?

    Thank you for the award! Posted and passed along.

  8. Congrats on such a nice award!That was some very interesting stuff about you!!! Hey, thanks for sharing the award with me, I am honored!

  9. Congratulations to you for this award.

    It was very sweet of you for passing this on to me. :)

    Will pass it on soon. :)

  10. You know, several of those could be expanded into entire posts.

  11. Thank you for the "sweet" award;
    we'll try to get it posted to Z
    this coming week!

  12. I'm thrilled and the timing is so right as I am beginning the next xchapter in part time work..thank you

  13. Thank you! I AM smiling. I lost track on my way over last week. I love reading your list. Reminds me of 100 Things About Me which I did years ago and still have on my sidebar. After 6 years blogging, I'm not sure there is anything new to say about me!

    I will check out some of the blogs you listed.

  14. Wow! Thanks for thinking of us here. It was really fun to read the 7 things about yourself. Hope you have a wonderful day!


Hi :-) Thank you for your time and your interest.