Thursday, June 9, 2011

Thursday Thirteen - Just Thirteen Bits of Stuff

1. As an avid reader, this blog thing is really beginning to compete for my read time. I am also discovering I am no where near as organized as I thought I was.

2. I'm really tired of Weiner's...tweet.

3. E3, the big annual gaming convention out in LA has been really neat. I wanted to see more about games like The Sims 3 though.

4. I confess, I love playing with The Sims, 2 and 3 :-P

5. I know, my son is almost 20. But I still get nervous when he drives my pick-up.

6. When you only work on Saturday mornings, from 8:00am to noon, how can you seriously lack the motivation to go?

7. I like to think I enjoy cooking. But, some days, I just cannot convince myself that I do.

8. I will never understand the neighbors that live on the next corner - ever.

9. Thirteen things really are a lot of things to think of, you know?

10. I am developing a real respect for the people so talented that they can make this look easy.

11. I am finding it a delicate balance for my blog site to not become an only cat, book, bird, nature, travel or biker site. I want it to be a place of connection. Where I am able to connect with other people participating in the experience of living life.

12. How do you keep one interest a part of your time rather than it dominating all of your time, or your blog?

13. I set up a blog for my cats, Kwee Cats...yes, yes I did... It still needs a little bit of work. I'm probably once again over thinking things.


  1. Oh you are setting up a cat blog! I'll book mark it. So many of your list struck a chord with me. I'm also an avid reader and tired of hearing about Weiner. At one time I loved cooking but lately I haven't been able to strike that enjoyable creative spark. If you ever figure out how to strike a balance with your blog, give me a clue, ok? :) And yes...thirteen things really hard to think up!

  2. Finding the balance between living life and blogging IS difficult. You're finding your way. Good for you. Don't let either swallow you whole.

  3. I love the Sims, too. I have a hard time balancing video games, reading, and writing, not to mention important things like housework and school work since I've gone back to school.

  4. lol omg I LOVE the picture of your cat in the sidebar! SO CUTE!!!

  5. Love, love. love the Sims 2 and 3.

  6. I agree with your number 7. It's really hard to leave in indenial! lol!

  7. I'm glad that you found my photos for Wordless Wednesday! I wasn't able to post to the actual site, so I didn't think anyone would comment. I do appreciate your visit! Also, I have to say, I like to play The Sims, too. To relax, I play old computer games like Age of Empires and Roller Coaster Tycoon. :) Again, thank you for the visit and the comment! Have a great weekend!

  8. I used to do a Thursday Thirteen every week... but then I ran out of idears!

  9. A cat blog, CUTE!! We have just adopted a kitten, she is absolutely gorgeous :) I played the Sims years ago and enjoyed it, I am guessing it has improved over time though so maybe I should check it out again.

    Happy T13!

  10. I locw your blog :) thank you for stopping by! I am following you know and looking forward to learning more about you.


  11. I love your list, and I also read thhe 3WW and it was beautiful. Balance is a struggle and I have started to color code things in my planner so I can better see the clear spaces and try to fill them with balancing stuff. The difference with me is I let life take over and the blogs I write on get forgotten if I don't take a moment to listen to inspiration.

  12. #6 I work 1/2 day Sat and I cannot make myself go don't get it ..

  13. A cat blog? Awesome! I love my cat! I want to hear more about the neighbors you'll never understand. You could blog about them!

  14. I enjoyed reading the ones on your list about your blog. May I make a suggestion? Don't think about it so much. Instead, just write. I found that once I began writing for myself -- trying to make my blog an accurate description of my life at that moment -- that others seemed to relate to it more.

    Now I must check out the cats! :)

  15. Ah, the elusive balance topic. Good luck with that. As a writer/mother/reader... it is a never ending battle.
    Happy T13!

  16. I like your stream of consciousness, tired of Wiener's tweet too and think it's funny that his name is wiener, considering.

    I start collecting stuff for my weekly 13 throughout the week, things that interest me but don't make a whole post,and then I fill in with stream of consciousness. Often there is a loose theme that I didn't plan.

    I don't know who Sims is. My word verification is: petter.


Hi :-) Thank you for your time and your interest.