Thursday, June 9, 2011

55 Words - June 9, 2011

This is my first try at the 55 Words Writing. So, please, be... patient. And thank you!

My 55 Words:

Okay, I need 55 words to say something. Don't want to mess this up! Nuts! I used a contraction. I think that's one word though. Hope so because I just used another one. Oh no - what about hyphenated words? Do they count as one or two? Better stick with the number 55 then till - oops!

To try one of your own, this is the man you need to see: Mr. KnowItAll.


  1. That was awesome! I'm smiling. Very entertaining. Hope to see you back every week :)

    55 Flash Fiction Friday: You Do Know

  2. I'm smiling. So easy to be overthinking. ;_) My first one I counted the title...oops. Fortunately, I'm not too sure the Math Police are checking every entry for numerical correctness. Great 55.

    (PS Now I really cheat and use an online Word's a secret.)

  3. Amazing how aware of the words we become when each one counts~literally! Very cute.

  4. ha. cute. it can be a rather daunting challenge somedays...smiles.

  5. OK...
    You got that one out of the way.
    Next week give me a Plot, a central character, and fiction, all in 55 words.
    You Can Do It!
    Thanks for playing, and have a Kick Ass Week-End

  6. Awesome first attempt! Fun is the whole idea, and if Mama Zen says fun, it's fun alright!

  7. Oh my...look at G-Man being all hard core and failing to acknowledge the humor. I don't worry about any of those things you bring up. I just let Microsoft Word do the counting.

  8. lol! This was fun! I remember when hedgewitch mentioned the title counting and I freaked because I never ever counted those :)

    Look forward to more of your 55s (contractions and hypenated words and all!~)

  9. Your "oops" is very well done. :)

  10. I enjoyed this! I love how contractions can become two words if you're short.

  11. First laugh of the day award goes to?

    This little teaser,

    Enjoyed that one, thanks for bringing a smile and a laugh, its always a great way to start a day.

  12. hahaha, there are some weeks when it's a challenge. welcome to the fun though!

  13. I think contractions are definitely one word... But not the end of the world either way!

  14. Looks like you had fun with this. I like it!:)

  15. Yay, you got through your first 55 beautifully!! Congrats. 55s are a hoot!

    Mine is on my Web page!

  16. You've encapsulated what most of us have felt at one time or another when Friday rolls around (or Thursday night) and we have no 55 ready. Nice first 55!

    P.S. - I use MS Word's word count function to check my 55s.


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