Tuesday, June 7, 2011

A Silky Tuesday Teaser

I would have had this up earlier, but where I live, the Internet is out (it seems) more than it is working. I am very much enjoying all the imagery that is coming from this book.

My Tuesday Teaser for today is:
"Within it's ramparts the town had crumbled from the hill, leaving only the incision of cisterns and drains in it's rock, wandering steps.  A monolithic sarcophagus was filling with water."
From the book: "Shadow of the Silk Road" by Colin Thubron

Home for today's Teaser Tuesday, June 7


  1. Beautiful teaser!! Thanks so much for sharing and for stopping by my blog, Word Luster. Hope you have a great week! :-)

  2. Wow, that was a great teaser! It's beautifully written. : )

    Thank you for stopping by my blog.

    Ann @Semisweet

  3. Wow, awesome teaser! Thanks for taking the time to check out my teaser. I'm now following you as I look forward to reading more from you in the future! :-)

  4. Good job choosing a teaser! The imagery is fantastic! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  5. Ack! Not the it's/its trouble! Surely not!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

  6. This is so descriptive. thank you for sharing, and thanks for stopping by my blog!!

  7. Great teaser! So visual. Thanks for visiting my blog :-)

    Happy reading

  8. Oooo very cool. I love the term "monolithic sarcophagus."

  9. I love this teaser. Very descriptive. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier today. It's appreciated!

  10. I'm not going to lie, that book seems like one complicated read! However in a way, it makes me more intrigued!

    Thanks for checking out my teaser too!


  11. That sounds intriguing. I might have to check that one out.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  12. Great teaser! Thanks for stopping by and checking mine out.

  13. Lovely teaser, thanks for sharing. Stopping by (a day late!) to say hello for Teaser Tuesday and to say thanks for stopping by to see me yesterday! Have a lovely week!


Hi :-) Thank you for your time and your interest.