Friday, June 24, 2011

Look! I finally got one of these emails!

I had heard about these things! I've seen people talk about them on the TV. I've heard sooooo many warnings to NOT fall for this... But I never ever got one of the thousand-million-jillion of them that was supposed to be lurking around out there.

Till today! Till this morning! I have arrived! I got my own offer to swindle me email! Oh! It's for his client who died and everything I'd ever heard it would be! Even the incredible multi-million dollar amount that really could be mine is there!

I do hope this isn't really from one of my crazy friends just trying to make me think I got a real swindle me email :-/

(⌒▽⌒) Oh, it's a wonderful day in the neighborhood ...


  1. LOL! I don't even open spam email. :-D

    Just wait, this might be only the tip of iceberg and you could be inundated with them now. Ha.


  2. I sent the award on here again


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